Communication Technology (ICT)-Organisations Related Websites
The Acacia Initiative is an international effort led by the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) to empower sub-Saharan African communities with the ability to apply information and communication technologies to their own social and economic development. The executing agency for Acacia in Uganda is the National Council for Science and Technology (UNCST), the institution that is responsible for coordinating research activities and formulating research policies in Uganda.
Academy for Educational Development/LearnLink/Dot.Com
Within Uganda's aim to improve telecommunication services and education, the U.S. Agency for International Development's (USAID) Connect-ED is supporting activities to improve the quality of education. In close cooperation with Uganda's Ministry of Education (UMOE) and within the framework of the U.S. Education for Development and Democracy Initiative (EDDI), this Academy for Educational Development/LearnLink/Dot.Com implemented project is increasing computer literacy among teachers and equipping 9 educational centers throughout the country and a development laboratory at Kyambogo University (KYU).
In addition, Connect-ED worked with a local ISP to set up an unprecedented terrestrial based Internet backbone ranging as far north as Gulu. Connect-ED has worked for 4 years with the KYU to completely enhance their Primary Teacher Training curriculum via multimedia. In conjunction with KYU, Connect-ED has produced online teacher training curriculum based on a student-centered learning approach and the Ugandan core curriculum; it is enabling teachers and student teachers to integrate information and communication technologies (ICTs) into the classroom; it has developed a series of free CD-ROMs to complete a subject-based, digital resource library with localized content generated by Ugandans for Ugandan educators; Connect-ED’s 15 staff works together to support training activities at the Primary Teacher Colleges through their web-based Professional Development Learning Environment.
Africa Pulse
Africa Pulse is an information portal for the Civil Society sector in the Southern African Development Community. It uses state-of-the-art technology to allow organisations throughout the region to publish content directly to the site, whether it be news of the arrest of a journalist in Zambia, the HIV/Aids crisis in South Africa, a profile of an organisation's work in Tanzania, the devastation caused by a flood in Mozambique, an analysis of the war against Unita, or an election update from Harare. Organisations, academics, journalists, researchers, activists and unions are free to publish any material on the portal that is relevant to the Civil Society sector and to the region. There is space for organisations to alert the sector to events, such as protests, book launches, seminars or campaigns, and to advertise job vacancies. A database of website URLS (website addresses) searchable by category and country on anything from education, conflict and governance, to democracy and human rights also provides a valuable resource to the sector.
ATCnet's mission is to bring together organizations, social groups, economic and business bodies and individuals in Africa to share and use information and communication technologies. This mission aims at specifically placing the people of Africa in a competitive edge with the world and providing them with tools to enable them make informed decisions for the sake of development and better quality of life.
ATCnet runs a series of HIV/AIDS databases and they encourage all groups working with HIV/AIDS at the grassroots to register as members. All the members will receive Medical supplies and material useful in the fight against HIV/AIDS. A second aspect of this project is that member groups are advertised and promoted as on the ground solution seekers and resources are directed their way, register at, for further information contact us at has a mission to help people in developing countries use information and communications technology (ICT) to improve their lives. promotes Real Access to ICT by researching, testing, and promoting best practices for sustainable, empowering technology use. provides information and resources on the digital divide, advises decision-makers on key issues, supports grassroots projects, local businesses and e-government efforts, offers an e-literacy tool for basic computer use and informing Internet citizens, and implements pilot projects.
Catalysing Access to ICT in Africa (CATIA)
The CATIA programme aims to enable poor people in Africa to gain maximum benefit from the opportunities offered by Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and to act as a strong catalyst for reform. It will support a package of strategic activities to improve affordable access to the full range of ICTs, from Internet to community radio. This programme is focussed on the need for ICTs to address social and economic development issues. It will be working to help build capacity across Africa to achieve sustainable change.
CATIA is a three-year programme of the Department for International Development (DFID) in close collaboration with other donors and role players (e.g. Sida, IDRC, CIDA, USAID and Cisco). It will be implemented in close coordination with the Canadian government's Connectivity Africa initiative. CATIA is being managed by Atos KPMG Consulting from a programme office in Johannesburg, South Africa. The programme will end in April 2006.
Center for Women and Information Technology (CWIT)
The Center for Women and Information Technology (CWIT) aims to encourage more women and girls to become involved with information technology, both as knowledgeable users and as professionals in the field. The Center's web site, which has called "the best resource on women and technology on the Web," has abundant ICT resources for women around the world. These include a large, very frequently-updated collection of News articles about women and ICT; a very extensive bibliography of books about women and ICT that includes links to reviews, etc.; annotated links to web sites and email lists that focus on women and science/technology; a FAQ that deals with such issues as financial aid for women interested in ICT, how to prepare for a career in ICT, and where to get demographic information about women in ICT; and much more.
Choike: A Portal on Southern Civil Societies
Like constellations for travelers, "portals" help people find their ways in the Internet. "Choike" is a portal made from a Southern perspective, intended to help users with a specific interest in the issues of particular concern for developing countries. "Choike" is a product of NGONET, a project started in 1991 to help Southern NGOs benefit from the new information and communication technologies. It is hosted in Montevideo, Uruguay, by ITeM (Third World Institute), an independent non-profit organization that also hosts the secretariat of Social Watch and Third World Network-Latin America.
Community Information Network for Southern Africa (CINSA)
The Community Information Network for Southern Africa (CINSA) is a project designed to support community ICT initiatives in the SADC region. It is currently in its pilot phase, which runs for 18-months until the end of July 2004. CINSA will support community ICT projects through research, networking, training, service brokerage, facilitating technical support and project evaluation, and creating an online information resource base.
Computer Aid
Computer Aid is one of the world's largest non profit suppliers of computers to schools and community organisations in the developing world. Based in the United Kingdom, Computer Aid has supplied computers to over 60 countries, helping to bridge the "digital divide" between rich and poor.
Computers for Africa
Computers for Africa collects used computers, refurbishes them, and ships them to African high schools and non-profit organizations. We are developing a model whereby U.S. cities can partner with villages in Least Developed Nations to help bridge the international digital divide.
During the period September - November 2003, CFA directors Tim and Ruth Leacock visited CFA projects in Uganda. Click here for photos of CFA on site.
Computers for Development
Based in the Netherlands, the goal of Computers For Development is the provision of computers for schools, hospitals, and organizations that focus on improvement of education and information facilities in developing countries in Africa, Asia, and South America. In our vision, education is the first step to a higher standard of living for developing countries. Your old computers can make a world of difference.
Computers For Development is an initiative of a number IT companies and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) that are active in the field of IT projects in developing countries. Some of the NGOs involved are: Computers for Schools Kenya (CFSK), Computers for Schools / Ordinateurs pour les Ecoles Canada (CFS-OPE), International Development Research Centre (IDRC), International Network for the Availability of Scientific Publications (INASP), and Soroptimist International (SI).
Digital Opportunity Channel
Digital Opportunity Channel is a new online community focusing on the use of information and communications technologies (ICT) for sustainable development. Officially launched on World Telecommunications Day 2002 from the OneWorld centre in India, the Web site will place a special emphasis on promoting digital opportunity in developing countries.
Digital Opportunity Channel: Funding Resources
A list of donor agencies that offer programmes in the field of ICTs is available at the Digital Opportunity Channel. Only agencies with a clear and identifiable commitment towards ICTs are included. The Digital Opportunity Channel is an online community focusing on the use of information and communications technologies (ICT) for sustainable development. The channel is a joint endeavour of OneWorld and the Digital Divide Network.
East African Centre for Open Source Software (EACOSS)
EACOSS is the first specialised Free and Open Source Software training centre focusing on the East African region. The mission is to promote the use and access to Free and Open Source Software in the East African community and contribute to the development through empowering people with skills to use ICT. EACOSS was founded in April 2004 and opened its doors in August 2004 on Port Bell Road in Nakawa - Kampala Uganda. The training center is located at the premises of Uganda Institute of Information and Communication Technology (UICT).
Through the use of Free and Open Source Software, EACOSS believes that the digital gap between the advanced nations and the developing nations can be bridged and poverty reduced. Lower costs, access to software for all and improved capacity development provide that starting point. EACOSS has introduced training, certification and access to free software at the EACOSS training center in Kampala, Uganda. It enables people from around the region learn more about effective, affordable and appropriate software technology to use for development in Africa.
eGovernment for Development
This site aims to help public officials, consultants, and others in developing/transitional economies seeking information and assistance with e-government initiatives. eGovernment is the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) to improve the activities of public sector organisations. The project focuses sequentially on specific e-government topics; the first being success factors and failure avoidance in e-government initiatives. Content on the site draws largely from the "eGovernment for Development Information Exchange": a network of many hundreds of e-government practitioners. It includes case studies and best practice guidelines.
The "eGovernment for Development Information Exchange" project is coordinated by the University of Manchester's Institute for Development Policy and Management. The project is funded and managed by the Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation as part of the UK Department for International Development's "Building Digital Opportunities" programme.
Free & Open Source Software Portal - UNESCO
UNESCO is providing a specific portal related to Free and Open Source Software. It gives access to documents and websites, which are references for the Free Software/Open Source Technology movement. It is also a gateway to resources related to free software.
Gender and the Digital Divide Seminar Series
The Gender and the Digital Divide Seminar Series web page of the World Bank looks at the impact of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) on gender issues and examines innovative ways that ICTs are being used to overcome gender inequalities and bridge the digital divide. This web page lists seminar reports, related initiatives, networks, and resources (articles, pilot projects, and successful cases studies). The Gender and the Digital Divide Seminar Series is being sponsored by the Gender and Development and Girls' Education Thematic Groups, and Bridging the Digital Divide through Education Task Force of the World Bank.
Gender and ICT: A 2007 publication by UNDP-APDIP
Gender and ICT is a publication released by APDIP in 2007, including a foreword by Executive Director of UNIFEM, Noeleen Heyzer. It looks at information and communications technology (ICT) for development through a gender lens and discusses ICT within a gender equality framework. Recognizing the importance of integrating a gender perspective as a cross-cutting area in ICT and development, this e-Primer provides a gender perspective on issues of ICT policies, access and control, education, training and skill development, and content development. Furthermore, the e-Primer introduces a framework to integrate gender in ICT for development and to empower women. This e-Primer also contains policy recommendations for creating inclusive development strategies and how to integrate a gender perspective into national ICT policies. The publication is jointly produced by UNDP Asia-Pacific Development Information Programme (APDIP) and the Association for Progressive Communications Women’s Networking Support Program (APC WNSP). - Gender and ICT Policy Monitor is an information and communications technology (ICT) policy portal for women and policy-makers. ICT policy is not just about legislation of infrastructure and operators. Good ICT policy can promote economic empowerment. It can counter the negative uses of ICTs, such as trafficking of women. promotes the need for gender advocacy in ICT policy as well as the “how to” of pushing for policy change. The Association for Progressive Communications Women's Networking Support Programme (APC WNSP) developed to broaden awareness of gender and ICTs and to offer a practical tool for ICT advocates, especially women’s organisations and movements, to ensure that ICT policy meets their needs and does not infringe on their rights.
Henriska Technology
Henriska Technology are an Internet Consulting company assisting small to medium enterprises and individuals/groups on how to use the Internet as a tool for furthering business, communication, etc. One of the main objectives is to empower people and small groups or companies to help themselves in the use of Internet technology, hence the how-to articles that explain certain concepts and techniques.
ICT for Development Success Stories
is publication by the Global Knowledge Partnership (GKP) highlights initiatives that are using Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) to make a real and meaningful difference in communities around the world, no matter how disadvantaged or isolated they may be. These stories on Youth, Poverty and Gender are snapshots of the learning process that accompanies the introduction and implementation of ICTs in a community development project.
In publishing these stories, the GKP hopes to share experiences and lessons learned to increase global understanding of how ICTs can be used to tackle poverty, injustice and inequalities. Conceptually, the idea of knowledge sharing and 'storytelling' underpins all of GKP programmes and projects. Good success stories have the ability to inspire and motivate communities. This is what the GKP hopes will happen when they award and recognise communities which have used ICT to uplift and empower themselves.
ICT Hub Knowledgebase
ICT Hub Knowledgebase offers an interesting and exhaustive list of funders financing ICT based projects. According to the ICT Hub Knowledgebase "there are a number of trusts and grant funders who look favorably on applications for ICT within a project application, a limited number of funders will specifically fund ICT. Those that we know about are listed here."
ICT Radio Series: Dialogue on Digital Dividends in Africa
The African Information Society Initiative (AISI) Radio Series is based on the Harnessing ICTs for Development programme of the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA). The Radio Series is aimed at creating greater awareness on the information society, serving as a tool for media practitioners, especially radio broadcasters to engage various groups in debating the role of ICTs in the development process. The series examine people's understanding of the role and impact of ICTs and raises questions on the issues of access and disparities in the African information society. Whilst one of the programmes provides an overview of the information society in Africa, the other three are based on the state of ICTs in Ghana, Mali and Uganda. The programme on Uganda discusses the role of ICTs in rural and community development with particular emphasis on IDRC-led Acacia programme.
Launched in 2001 (and originally named IN-Uganda), I-Network is an association of individuals or organizations rallied around the theme ICT for Development. It started as a club of organizations and professionals associated with the activities of IICD in Uganda. The core objective of the I-Network is knowledge sharing of ICT development experiences via seminars/workshops, newsletters and a website -- all coordinated through a membership base. I-N is supported by the International Institute for Communication and Development (IICD) Country programme in Uganda. IICD works with partner organisations in Uganda to support project formulation and implementation, capacity development and knowledge sharing.
iNETWORK Uganda is a quarterly newsletter of I-Network Uganda. The primary target audience consists of I-Network members, IICD project holders and beneficiaries, practitioners who use ICT to promote development and poverty eradication in these sectors - education, agriculture, health, local and central government. Click here to download a copy of the April 2003 issue. Click here to download a copy of the December 2003 issue.
The Information for Development Program (infoDev) which began in September 1995 is a global grant program managed by the World Bank to promote innovative projects on the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) for economic and social development, with a special emphasis on the needs of the poor in developing countries.
Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) Literacy
The ICT Literacy website represents a global partnership among leading business, education, and public policy stakeholders to promote universal ICT Digital Literacy. The website provides a portal for the repository of ICT Literacy resources, highlights innovative efforts and partnerships promoting ICT Digital Literacy, and facilitates the interaction between researchers, business, government and educational segments. New surveys, studies and reports on ICT literacy will be presented on the site. Participants may share information, collaborate for strategic efforts, present leading research and thinking in the area of ICT literacy, and encourage global leaders to dialogue on important issues and consensus building efforts. We encourage strategic planners, futurists, and thought leaders to share with our audience their “out of the box” thinking and their innovative, radical ideas.
Information Society Foundation (ISF)
On 16th October 2002, a Uganda Information Society Consultative workshop was convened and during the said workshop, the concept of the Information Society Foundation (ISF) was tabled and endorsed by several ICT stakeholders. The ISF therefore envisaged as an association of ICT players and movers in Uganda. It will play a leading role in the advocating for the implementation and mainstreaming of the National ICT policy strategy into the socio-economic development process of this country. This role will involve establishment of formidable partnerships at local, national and international levels intended for realising support for ICT development in Uganda.
International Journal of Computing and ICT Research (IJCIR)
A bi-annual journal - The International Journal of Computing and ICT Research (IJCIR) - has been launched by Makerere University, Uganda. The journal's main aim is to highlight new research developments, experiences and best practices in computing and the use of information communication technologies (ICT) in development.
IJCIR publishes and seeks papers in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Software Engineering, Information Systems, Data Communications and Computer Networks, ICT for Sustainable Development, and other related areas.
International Program for Development of Communication (IPDC)
IPDC is a UNESCO program that provides small grants to community/media projects. Media organizations such as press, radio and television, media training institutes, professional journalists' organizations, media development agencies, and community media organizations are eligible to seek support from IPDC. All proposals are processed by field-based Unesco Advisers for communication and information. Media projects with potential to serve as models are especially encouraged. Particular attention is always given to proposals from least-developed, landlocked and small island countries.
ITAfrica is a simple vision: provide a database of expertise for growing African IT communities. With the dramatic growth of services in the last five years, and the fragmented nature of this sector, this resource is provided as a community-driven database of IT experts, businesses, events and projects. Highlighting local services, local companies, and local solutions to specifically African opportunities is key. Too often governments and CEOs have looked 'outside', where in fact, help and expertise is either on their doorstep, or can quickly be developed. ITAfrica is designed to kill that 'excuse' of not knowing who does what. To be listed, one's primary business must be as an IT services provider in a town/country of Africa.
ITU portal "ICT Success Stories"
The International Telecommunications Union (ITU) has launched a new portal, "ICT Success Stories", with a "hands-on" demonstration at its Headquarters in Geneva, as part of its post-Summit work. The portal serves to exchange fresh ideas and learning experiences about creative uses of ICTs in different cultural contexts to improve health, education, governance and incomes, while empowering communities and promoting peace and human values and freedoms. The key message is that there is no "one size fits all" approach to using new technologies to promote people-centred development; rather, in the trial-and-error process of learning to use ICTs effectively, the insights of projects and development activities gained from experience can be extremely valuable. The portal allows users to search ITU's extensive database of ICT success stories and experiences by theme, criteria, country or stakeholder to exchange ideas, insights and contact information. This should enrich the work being undertaken to integrate ICTs into development approaches, overcoming some of the difficulties project leaders face in implementation, and helping to catalyze fresh thinking and new projects.
ITU's Telecommunication Development Bureau (BDT) - Gender Issues
The Telecommunication Development Bureau (BDT) of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) has programmes to facilitate connectivity and access, foster policy, regulatory and network readiness, expand human capacity through training programmes, formulate financing strategies and e-enable enterprises in developing countries. This includes promoting greater involvement of women in ICT, both at the policy-making level and in the actual access to technology.
Kabissa is a space on the Internet for the African non-profit sector. Kabissa supports African non-profits in their efforts to take fuller advantage of the opportunities the Internet has to offer in terms of research, communication and networking. Free membership accounts provide standard e-mail and website accounts on Low-cost domain hosting is also available, as is a cdrom version of the website for offline browsing. - The NGO Network Alliance Project
The Zimbabwe NGO Network Alliance Project (NNAP) aims to strengthen the use of email and internet strategies in Zimbabwean NGOs and civil society organisations. The NNAP will make human rights and civic education information accessible to the general public from a centralised, electronic source: By focusing solely on Zimbabwe and being committed to the regular updating and development of the portal, the NNAP believes that will become the most important source of Zimbabwean human rights and development information on the internet.
Keys to Information, Technology and Education (KITE)
KITE provides free computer hardware, software, and technical support to non-governmental organisations in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. KITE's mission is twofold: (1) to provide grants to community development organizations in the "developing world" (loosely defined as Africa, Asia, Latin America, the Pacific Islands and indigenous groups within the industrialized world) to aid them in the process of going online; and (2) to provide information about open source software, global technology issues, and development communication to people throughout the world.
Knowledge Management for Development Journal
The KM4D Journal is an open access, community-based journal on knowledge management in development – for and by development parishioners and researchers. As an open access journal, all the papers can be viewed and downloaded at the journal online platform. The journal offers peer-reviewed, practice-based cases, analysis and research concerning the role of knowledge in development processes and provides a forum for debate and exchange if ideas among practitioners, policy makers, academics and activists worldwide. By challenging current assumptions, it will seek to stimulate new thinking and to shape future ways of working. It is published three times a year in May, September and December.
The journal is strongly related to the KM4Dev community of practice at and, at the same time, aims to promote knowledge management approaches in the wider professional development community.
KnowNet Weaver
"KnowNet Weaver" is a Tool Kit developed under the KnowNet Initiative to host local knowledge on the Information Superhighway to catalyse the process of Knowledge Networking for Sustainable Development. KnowNet Weaver enables you to create your own interactive website, give it a domain name and host it on the World Wide Web (WWW) absolutely free-of-cost using freeware or shareware available on the internet. KnowNet Weaver provides comprehensive support for one to become a part of the information superhighway and reap the advantages of knowledge networking.
Linuxchix Africa
Linuxchix Africa was formed in 2004 by African women and for African women. It is a chapter in Africa affiliated to Linuxchix worldwide. The aim of the African chapter is to help toward building the critical mass of Linux skills among African women, and to advocate for the use of Free and Open Source Software for the many community development challenges being faced by Africans, especially African women.
Linux Solutions - Uganda
Linux Solutions prides itself as Uganda's leading specialized IT Solutions provider in Linux Systems. Ever since its establishment, the company has been at the forefront of providing professional consultancy and support services in Uganda with a view to availing robust and more affordable solutions based on the Linux operating system. Based in Kampala, Linux Solutions is enabling companies and organisations to optimally utilise the opportunities offered by the free Linux Operating System.
The Linux Operating System is a key development of the Open Source Software framework in which software may be used or modified free of licence fees.
Manual for Launching and Sustaining an Online Community
Creating and maintaining a community requires dedication and direction. The manual for Launching and Sustaining an Online Community assists in this process. Designed to be an easy 'how to' manual for those launching and sustaining a community, the guide examines the various necessary steps in the process from beginning to end.
Though aimed at USAID partners, it is fully applicable to other individuals and groups. Steps covered in the guide include: planning a community and getting started; management and governance, including leadership issues; the role of the community members; maintaining and sustaining a community; closing a community; change management; and communications and outreach.
MTN villagePhone
MTN villagePhone extends telecommunications access to rural villages across Uganda. In partnership with Uganda's leading microfinance institutions, MTN villagePhone creates opportunities for poor rural individuals to become “Village Phone Operators”. These Village Phone businesses can be established in areas where electricity is unavailable and in areas where the MTN network can only be accessed with a booster antenna. MTN villagePhone provides special airtime rates to the Village Phone Operators to enable them to provide affordable telecommunications services to people in their village. Upcountry, people are now able to make a call without traveling many kilometers to the nearest town. They can simply go to their community Village Phone Operator who serves and supports the community by making affordable communications services available.
MTN VillagePhone is an initiative of MTN Uganda and Grameen Foundation USA (who implemented a similar model in Bangladesh). The Grameen Technology Center partnered with MTN Uganda to bring Village Phones to Uganda, but with changes to the Bangladeshi model to make it specifically suited for Uganda. The first Village Phone Operators started business in Uganda in March 2003, and MTN villagePhone was formally launched on November 17, 2003.
NABUUR is an organistion trying to matchmake the needs of local communities with the surplus resources available. Your community is probably solving many of its problems by itself, with enormous creativity and perseverance. At the same time, there may be issues that you can’t deal with, because you don’t have the time, because they are too complicated or too costly. The resources (knowledge, experience, skills, contacts, manpower, goods and finances) to deal with these issues probably exist elsewhere in the world. The question is how to get hold of these resources when you are already stretched to the limit.
Also, there are people who have a special relationship with your community but who live elsewhere in the world. Maybe because they have emigrated, or because they once worked in your community, or because their parents came from your community, or because they spent a memorable holiday in your village, etc. In a sense they are neighbors of your village, virtual neighbors. They are not the experts to solve the issues, but they are able to help find the experts or the other necessary resources. Thanks to the Internet it now has become possible for local communities to access their virtual neighbors. NABUUR is creating such a platform on
The overall goal of the NetTel@Africa is to make the provision of ICT more efficient and ubiquitous to the citizens of targeted countries. Achievement of the goal will require improved policy and regulatory reform and increased private sector investment in ICT (telecommunications sector). To this end, NetTel@Africa seeks to strengthen the capabilities of policy making and regulatory bodies, private sector operators, consumer advocacy groups and academic institutions that can assist with sustained capacity building in the ICT sector.
Networked Intelligence for Development
Networked Intelligence for Development (NID) is a consulting firm that promotes social equity. NID works with communities in developing countries to assist them to harness the benefits of evolving information and communication technologies (ICTs) and to establish their identities in the information era.
The thrust of NID's work is in promoting a dialogue between community organizations and other key actors in the information economy to identify mutual interests and concerns. NID acts as a catalyst in managing and delivering comprehensive packages of resources, management and know-how to meet the needs of community groups, primarily in developing country contexts.
Network Startup Resource Center (NSRC)
The Network Startup Resource Center (NSRC), a non-profit organization, has been involved for many years with the design and deployment of networking technology in various projects throughout Asia, Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean, the Middle East, and Oceania.
Partially supported by the National Science Foundation, the NSRC provides technical advice and engineering assistance to developing area networking initiatives seeking to connect to the public Internet, especially to academic/research institutions and non-governmental organizations (NGOs). Some examples of technical assistance the NSRC has provided include: network architecture design, finding an appropriate international access provider, questions about routers/routing, DNS and ccTLD issues, hosting/mirroring web sites, organizing UNIX and TCP/IP training workshops, hosting engineering interns in US networks, building technical libraries, etc.
NSRC Help Desk & Support Organization Resources
Since the early 1990s, the Network Startup Resource Center (NSRC) has been a part of several efforts to improve support and Help Desk organizations at several locations around the world. From these efforts we have created several documents, reports, and presentations that might help your organization as it attempts to support the ever-increasing number of people using your network and resources. Resources available include: CD-ROM & Installer Program Creation, Making your website more visible, Setting up a functional support organisation, and Web resources for NGOs and Nonprofits.
OneWorld Africa
OneWorld Africa is part of the OneWorld online network committed to harnessing the democratic potential of the internet for human rights and sustainable development. OneWorld Africa is committed to utilising the internet and other ICTs to bring the voices of African people to a global audience and make visible their contributions to sustainable development and human rights promotion and protection. OWA does this through its various editorial products, Oneworld Africa edition, and OneWorld Africa offices are in Lusaka, Zambia.
OneWorld Radio AIDS Network
OneWorld Radio AIDS Network is a community of broadcasters, NGOs and activists coming together in the fight against AIDS. The site includes a large database of audio for listening online and global exchange as well as news, training materials, funding information and other practical resources for national and community broadcasters, health educators and campaigners as well as people working in AIDS/HIV organizations, aid agencies and development NGOs.
Open Knowledge Network
The Open Knowledge Network,, is an initiative of the G8 Digital Opportunity Taskforce (DOTForce) linking together existing grassroots information and knowledge-sharing initiatives to promote both the creation and the exchange of local content as widely as possible across the South, supported by a range of different information and communication technologies (ICTs). The programme is coordinated by OneWorld International and its network of southern offices.
Rowing Upstream: Snapshots of Pioneers of the Information Age in Africa
Published in August 2002, Rowing Upstream: Snapshots of Pioneers of the Information Age in Africa captures the experiences of Ford and Rockefeller grantees making innovative use of technology, assesses African utilization of the Web, and examines donor support of ICT. An Internet timeline takes you back to the beginning of email use on the Continent. In the last chapter, some of Africa's pioneers tell their "Untold Stories". Rowing Upstream is produced by the Project for Information Access and Connectivity (PIAC) which during its five-year existence worked on a number of activities including the dissemination of African information.
Research ICT Africa!
Research ICT Africa! seeks to fulfil a strategic gap in the development of a sustainable information society and knowledge economy on the African continent by building information communication technology (ICT) policy and regulatory research capacity in Africa needed to inform effective governance. Through a network of African researchers it will generate the information and analysis needed to inform appropriate but visionary policy formulation and effective regulation of ICTs across Africa. It will embark on sustained and rigorous research to provide decision-makers with the data and analysis to make informed decisions in the public interest.
(RIA) has published a new chapter in their e-Index research. At the end of 2006 the report 'Towards an African e-Index: SME e-Access and Usage Across 14 African countries' was published. The SME e-Access and Usage Survey was carried out across 14 African countries between the last quarter of 2005 and the first quarter of 2006. The report explores the impact of ICT on private sector development, and how ICT can contribute to a vibrant SME sector and economic growth in the context of developing economies. The countries covered included Botswana, Cameroon, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Mozambique, Namibia, Nigeria, Rwanda, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe.
Rural Information Services Association (RISA)
Based in Kayunga District, RISA's mission is the innovative use of information technologies for development of the rural poor. RISA's activities include training seminars on the use of ICTs for rural development; providing information on best practices to women and youth groups affected by HIV/AIDS; and creating training materials on audio/video cassettes and CDs to record local content (music/drama) for purposes of sharing experiences and best practices.
Sustainable ICT Case Studies
The Case Studies have been generated by Gamos and BigWorld as part of a research programme into Information and Communication Technology (ICT) sustainability factors. Funded by the Department of International Development (DFID), the research programme identified activities from across the world that sought to benefit the poor and had an ICT component. In particular it considered programmes where ICTs had enhanced ongoing development activities, the ICT activity could be replicated without sizeable investment, and there was a measure of sustainability.
The case studies show that ICTs can enhance development projects. The research has not conclusively proven that an ICT activity directed at increasing income for the poor can, on its own, generate cost recovery inclusive of set-up and replacement costs, i.e. achieve economic sustainability. However, the studies do indicate that this is beginning to happen in some cases, and the prospects for the future are encouraging. More importantly the case studies clearly show elements of institutional and social sustainability. They also show significant developmental impact, and there are indications that ICT activities can be regarded as cost effective.
"TechKnow" is a remote website designing course developed under KnowNet Initiative for individuals, organisations and communities working towards sustainable development. Under TechKnow, remote help is provided through emails to enable organisations and individuals to design their websites absolutely free-of-cost. The course is also available on the internet and is also administered through emails.
Time To Get Online (TTGO)
Time To Get Online (TTGO) is an Internet capacity-building project for West African civil society organizations that was launched by Kabissa in November 2002. Initially, the project targeted organizations in West Africa whose main agenda concerns human rights, freedom of information, responsive government and democratization. A set of self-learning materials has been developed to help civil society activists and organizers to get online and to integrate the Internet into their organizations. The materials can be used as both a self-taught curriculum and as a reference guide for users with varying levels of Internet experience and expertise. The materials are available for download for African civil society organizations.
Tonga.Online is a project on media, information & communication technology and art focusing on the Tonga people living along the border between Zimbabwe and Zambia. The project goal is to promote a Tonga voice on the Internet and to provide the Tonga minority with the most advanced information and communication tools.
UgaBYTES Initiative
UgaBYTES Initiative aims at championing the introduction and application of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in Uganda's development process with particular emphasis to participation of strategic sectors of the economy as well as disadvantaged groups and members of the community. UgaBYTES has launched a local ICT information sharing and empowerment program with the following activities: networking among local ICT practitioners, human resource development for local ICT practitioners, Quick Info access point on community access initiatives, and research and monitoring of community ICT access issues.
Uganda Library Bookmobile Project
The Internet Bookmobile was created by the Internet Archive as a community-based means for achieving greater access to written knowledge, by enabling nearly anybody to print public domain and self-published works in small quantities at very low cost. Anywhere Books is a separate nonprofit organization whose goal is to pursue opportunities to make a difference with Bookmobiles. Anywhere Books's mission is to support access to books of all kinds in underserved local and international communities, by facilitating the installation of inexpensive, desktop, mobile and fixed systems for making physical books from Internet-delivered digital books, and through financing systems, collective fundraising and equipment purchasing, consulting, and support.
With funding obtained from World Bank InfoDev, Anywhere Books and the National Library of Uganda have established an Internet Bookmobile in Uganda. The National Library has identified Caezaria Public Library (about 40km from Kampala) as the base for the bookmobile. The project will apply mobile print-on-demand technology to address a key need of Uganda: the dissemination of books (at all reading levels) to the rural population. The "Internet Bookmobile" will be based at the Caezaria Complex Public Library and will travel to rural villages to produce requested books for children and adults. In addition, a print-on-demand station will be based at the public library. Two scanning stations are based at the National Library in Kampala, to allow Ugandan materials to be digitized and printed on demand by the bookmobile.
Uganda Software Services Association (USSA)
Uganda Software Services Association (USSA) is a membership based organisation whose main objectives include maintaining close interaction with the Government of Uganda in formulating IT policies related to software and to represent members' interests; maintaining a database of software services related activities and therefore being in position to advise and make recommendations about the sector; developing the capacity of members to provide world-class quality services and solutions both in Uganda and overseas and help build brand equity for its membership; and improving education and training of software services in Uganda by having strong links with educational institutions. The birth of USSA was a result of a forum for software development in Uganda that was initiated by the Uganda Investment Authority.
Wireless Africa Group
In the recent years, there have been numerous efforts using low cost and "unlicensed" wireless technologies aimed at building a sustainable data infrastructure in Africa. Several groups have successfully worked in activities related to training, dissemination and advocacy, research and development of wireless networking across the continent.
It is understood and agreed that a large and scalable effort is needed. This working group is open to enthusiasts in community wireless networking to design and plan a common and large integrated initiative in Africa. The group is intended for people interested in the application of low-cost wireless technologies to social and economic development issues in Africa. It is a community for techies, activists, researchers, entrepreneurs, and funders.
Worldview International Foundation
Worldview International Foundation (WIF), founded in 1979, is a unique development organization with hands-on experience, knowledge and the capacity to cover the entire gamut of communication and media activities for development. WIF undertakes activities ranging from participatory grassroots projects to the production and dissemination of the latest virtual reality products. WIF works together with governments and civil society in developing regions.
Youth Network on ICTs and Digital Opportunities
Young people can and are harnessing the power of information and communications technologies (ICTs) to assure opportunity, empowerment, and inclusion for all. The "Youth, ICTs and Digital Opportunities" portal was launched on 1 February 2002 to enable young people from around the world to share their experiences on how ICTs can further development. The site features news, people, events, organizations and online discussions about closing the digital divide. Through these interactive features, it aims to foster a global network of young social entrepreneurs on the cutting edge of applying old and new communication technologies to confront the challenges of sustainable development.
Youth for Technology Foundation (YTF) is an international non-profit organization. The mission of YTF is to bridge the digital canyon in Nigeria, West Africa. Our programs are structured to provide access to technology, training and resources for underserved youth (with focus on the girl-child) in grassroots communities in Nigeria. The goal of YTF is to reduce poverty, empower youth and create self-sustaining communities.
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