Teaching Related Websites

General EFL

Asia Journal of English Language Teaching. www.cuhk.edu.hk/eltu/DP/ Research-oriented journal on topics relevant to teaching in Asia. Published ant eh Chinese University of Hong Kong. BBC / British Council www.teachingenglish.org.uk Ideas on teaching, tips and lesson plans, etc.

Boggles World. www.bogglesworld.com Loads of activities; also a job search site.

British Council / Learning English. www.learnenglish.org.uk Links to themes, songs, cartoons, stories, poems, etc.

Dave's ESL Cafe. www.eslcafe.com Lots of ideas and materials for both teachers and students - the links are especially useful.

E. L. Easton. eleaston.com (Teaching aids for English and other languages.)

English Teaching Forum. exchanges.state.gov/forum/ A quarterly journal on teaching of English as a foreign language. Articles contributed by teachers around the world. Published by the United States Information Agency.

English Teaching Professional. www.etprofessional.com/ Selected articles from this ELT magazine are available at this website.

ESL Lounge. www.esl-lounge.com Lesson plans, teaching aids, flash cards, role play cards, book reviews, etc.

ELT Spectrum. http://www1.oup.co.uk/elt/magazine/ An online magazine from Oxford University Press, with teaching tip's, articles, interviews with authors, discussion forums, and more.

ESL Magazine. www.eslmag.com A bi-monthly magazine serving ESL/EFL professional worldwide.

Everything ESL. www.everythingESL.net Lots of lesson plans, activities, and so forth. More ESL than EFL focused.

The Gateway to Education Materials. www.thegateway.org Search engine for lesson plans in many areas - including EFL.

Humanizing Language Teaching. www.hltmag.co.uk Interesting variety of articles and features for language teaching.

IATEFL Newsletter. www.iatefl.org/iatefl newsletters.html The newsletter of IATEFL (the International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language), an organization based in the UK.

The Internet TESL Journal. http://iteslj.org A monthly web journal started in 1995; includes articles, research papers, lesson plans, teaching techniques, book reviews, and links. Of particular use is the "Lesson Plans" section at http://iteslj.org/Lessons/

Journal of the Imagination in Language Teaching and Learning.www.njcu.edu/cill/journal-index.html Pretty much what title says.

Karin's ESL Partyland. www.eslpartyland.com Resources for both teachers and students.

The Language Teacher. jalt-publications.org This is a monthly publication of the Japan Association for Language Teaching; has lots of very readable and practical articles. JALT Journal also available at same site.

Learning/Teaching English. www.tolearnenglish.com Resources for both students and teachers.

Lingua Center (U of Illinois, Intensive English Institute). www.iei.uiuc.edu/free.html Broad range of resources and links.

Longman. www.longman.com Some resources for teachers and students, but also lots of ads for Longman publications.

Purdue University. owl.english.purdue.edu Has quite an abundance of resources, especially handouts for different aspects of writing, and also links to other web sites.

The Reading Matrix. www.readingmatrix.com A journal focusing on reading issues. Lots of other reading-related resources available at this site.

SEAMEO Regional Language Centre. www.relc.org.sg Articles on language teaching in RELC Journal.

Sites for Teachers. www.sitesforteachers.com Has links to a huge number of web sites for teachers.

Teaching Fish. www.teachingfish.com Lots of games, activities, EFL/ESL resources; also job search links.

TEFL China Teahouse > Teaching. http://teflchina.com/teach A website to support English teachers in China. Articles, lesson plans, and informal tips and discussion by Chinese and foreign teachers.

TESL-EJ: Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language. www-writing.berkeley.edu/TESL-EJ Selected articles from this ELT magazine are available at this website.

TEFL Web Journal. www.teflweb-j.org New quarterly teacher magazine.

TESOL Matters Online. www.tesol.edu/pubs/articles/index.html A newsletter published by TESOL - Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages - an international organization based in the US. The "Wandering the Web" column (http://www.tesol.edu/pubs/magz/wanweb.html) provides information on useful websites for teaching.

Wordskills. http://wordskills.com/index.shtml Has a variety of resources, including book recommendations, level tests, mini grammar lessons and so forth.

Teaching Speaking

The talking topics below can be used and adapted for small group discussions, speeches, debates, warm-ups, English Corner, etc. They are also useful as essay or journal topics for Teaching Writing.

Argumentative Topics http://www.gc.maricopa.edu/English/topicarg.html

Brain Candy Mind Games Collection: Questions to Make you Think http://www.corsinet.com/braincandy/question.html

Cambridge First Certificate level discussion course for English language learners http://www.btinternet.com/~ted.power/discuss.html

Conversation Questions for the ESL- EFL Classroom http://iteslj.org/questions/

Conversation Teaching Page (with links to conversation topics) http://www.eslpartyland.com/teachers/nov/conv.htm

Easy oral language topics http://hometown.aol.com/rcswallow/OralLangTopics.html

Eslflow's guide to communication skills http://www.eslflow.com/speakingtalktopics.html

A Month of Discussion Topics http://www.etanewsletter.com/discussion.shtml

Prepare for Discussion - List of Topics - The Language of Discussion http://www.btinternet.com/~ted.power/dis00.html

Regents' Test Essay Topics (also useful as speech and discussion topics) http://www.lcc.gatech.edu/regents/samples.html

Sounds of English. www.soundsofenglish.org A website dedicated to pronunciation - American English. Information, activities, exercises, links, etc.

Teaching Writing

100 Writing Topics http://www.srv.net/~allenh/leave/writing_topics.html

Guide to Grammar and Writing. cctc2.commnet.edu/grammar Grammar for writing.

More Than 180 TOEFL Writing Topics http://www.toefl.org/testprep/prepindx.html

Purdue University. owl.english.purdue.edu Has quite an abundance of resources, especially handouts for different aspects of writing, and also links to other web sites

Regents' Test Essay Topics (also useful as speech and discussion topics) http://www.lcc.gatech.edu/regents/samples.html

Web Resources for Writing CVs and Job Applications

The following web sites contain useful career advice, especially for graduate students looking for a job. Students can use the guidelines and samples to help them compose their own CVs and letters of application. Many of the web sites give advice on job interviews and can also be used in an Oral Skills course.













Teaching Literature

www.bartleby.com Tons of literary material -- complete works of Shakespeare and anthologies such as the Harvard Classics and Shelf of Fiction and Cambridge History of English and American Literature, which have pretty much any novel, play, poem, essay or story written before 1900 that you ever wanted to read. There is also critical material for all of that.

www.bedfordstmartins.com/charters/litwriters/index.htm Scroll through an extensive list of writers of fiction, poetry and drama. Click on an author for study and discussion questions and writing suggestions. This index covers most any writer that would appear on a "Survey" course syllabus, but it may not cover all the texts you are teaching.

www.bedfordstmartins.com/litlinks/home.htm This is a huge list of links to websites with author-specific information. Choose "Fiction", "Drama", "Poetry", "Essays", "Critical Theory" and then scroll through an alphabetical list of writers in that category.

cw.prenhall.com/bookbind/pubbooks/mcmichael Good resource for American Literature. Online companion to Anthology of American Literature by George McMichael. The site is divided into sections on Colonial Literature, Literature of Reason and Revolution, The Age of Romanticism, The Age of Realism and 20th Century Literature. Each section has an in-depth timeline for historical background, sample essay questions, author profiles, additional resources and message boards.

www.luminarium.org A pretty comprehensive site for Medieval, Renaissance and 17th Century English Literature. Some of the critical articles are kind of lame, but the historical and biographical info. is good.

vos.ucsb.edu The "Voice of the Shuttle" is a big online resource for humanities managed by the University of California at Santa Barbara. Click on "English" or "Literature" on the homepage and go to town. It's kind of hard to tell where the links will take you but, with so many, there must be some pretty good stuff here.

xroads.virginia.edu Website for University of Virginia American Studies Department. Click on "hypertexts" to reach the actual writings of famous authors plus some critical material. Surf this site for other links and background information. It may be good for history and culture courses too.

Teaching Video






Reference Works

www.bartleby.com The reference collection includes a complete Columbia encyclopedia, dictionaries, most usage and style manuals, thesauri, quotation collections, Gray's anatomy, the Columbia Gazetteer of North America, King James Bible, Farmer's Cookbook, Emily Post's Etiquette and other stuff, all in their complete forms.


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