Wind Related Websites

Agence de l'Environnement et de la Maîtrise de l'Energie - (en Francais)

Alternative Energy Institute - West Texas State University


Anglesey Wind & Energy Ltd. - Dealer/installer of wind equipment in UK

Association of Power Producers of Ontario

AWEA - American Wind Energy Association

Bay Winds - Midwest Jacobs Wind Energy Dealer

Bergey Windpower - Manufactures small wind systems for a variety of applications

British Wind Energy Association - (BWEA)

BTM Consult Aps

Canadian Association for Renewable Energies

Canadian Wind Energy Association

CCLRC - (England)

Centre D' Energetique (France, Center for Energy Studies)

Cranfield University (U.K.) Wind Turbine Research Group

Danish Wind Industry Association -

Danish Wind Turbine Manufacturers Association

DEWIND, Germany

Dynapower - Manufacturer of custom power electronics

Electric Power Research Institute - (EPRI)

Energy research Centre of the Netherlands

Epic Land Solutions

European Wind Energy Association - (EWEA)

EuroREX: the Europeanv Renewable Energy Exchange

Finnish Wind Power Association - (Suomen Tuulivoimayhditys r.y., STY)

Flender Service - Maintenance, repair and retrofitting of drive trains used in the wind turbine industry

Fortis Wind Energy

Franklin Institute Science Museum (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) - Great Intro to Wind Power for Children

Greece Wind Energy

Green-Ener-Tech Aps - Sindal, Denmark

Helimax Energy

Home Power Magazine

International Economic Platform for Renewable Energies (IWR) - (Germany)

Kern Wind Energy Association (KWEA) - Tehachapi, California

Knight & Carver - Building and Repairing Wind Turbine Blades

LM Glasfiber A/S - Danish turbine blade manufacturer

Massachusetts University Renewable Energy Research Laboratory

Maywind - German turbine monitoring controls company

NAE - Northern Alternative Energy - Minnesota-based wind power development company

National Renewable Energy Laboratory - A laboratory which researches in renewable energy solutions

National Renewable Energy Laboratory - National Wind Technology Center

National Wind Coordinating Committee

Netherlands: Wind Service Holland

New Alternatives Fund

Nordex Balden-Dorr GmbH - German turbine manufacturer. Subsidiary of Deutsche Babcock

Northwest Power Co.

Oregan State University Wind Research Cooperative

PicoTurbine Windmill and Solar Projects

Renewable Energy - Calif. programs supporting renewables and their development

Renewable Energy Buy-Down Program - Calif. funding program for small wind turbines

Renewable Technologies, Inc.

Ressources Naturalles et Faune - Highlights on the Energy

Sandia National Laboratories - Wind Energy

Second Wind - Manufacturers of wind resource assesment equipment

Selsam Innovations

Southwest Wind Power Inc.

Sustainable Minnesota Newsletter

Sustainable Minnesota Wind Energy Resources

TheSource - Directory of 1300+ Renewable Energy-Related Businesses

TNO - Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific Research

TU Delft - Delft University Clean Technology Institute (Netherlands)

U.S. Department of Energy - Office of Science

U.S. Department of Energy - Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Network

University of Newcastle, Australia, - Wind Group

University of Utah - Wind Energy

Vestas Wind Systems A/S

Wholesale - Solar Panels, inverters, wind generators and more.

Wind Energy - Section on wind energy in California, including stats and reports

Wind Energy Developement Programmatic EIS Information Center


Windpower Monthly - World’s leading wind energy news source

Windpower On Line

WindStats Newsletter

WINDTEC - Austrian wind turbine manufacturer

Wintec Ltd. - Windfarm operator in the San Gorgonio Pass, Calif.